Friday, January 15, 2010

Solar Eclipse

Today at just after 3pm there will be a Solar Eclipse.
This animation shows us what the sun is going to look like when it happens.

This animation explains how it happens.

Look out of your window, what can you see with your special Solar Camera!
Be safe, protect your eyes - Never look at the sun with anything except a Solar Camera.
We made a Solar Pin hole camera in class. See the pictures of us below.


  1. This is asome and cool
    How did you do that

    By Davina/Bella

  2. How exciting! I hope lots of you got to see the partial eclipse. I managed to get some pictures of the images from the pinhole cameras ...have a look at the 3W blog.

  3. This is sooooooooooooooooo fun but, miss louise!!! you spelt except wrong!
